Buller Crichton Environmental Inc. offers a full range of services, including:
Designated Substances / Hazardous Materials Assessments
Asbestos Removal Project Design and Clearance Sampling
Biological Hazards – Mould & Legionella Assessments and Testing
Qualitative and Quantitative Exposure Assessments / Air Sampling
Industrial Hygiene Program Development
Ventilation Assessments
Noise Exposure Monitoring
Indoor Air Quality Testing and Assessments
Health & Safety – Program Review, Development and Auditing
Safety Data Sheets – Review, Development and Training
Ergonomic Assessments & Program Development
Safety Program Review & Development
Confined Space Assessment and Program Development
Accident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
Radiation Protection Services
Expert Testimony
Respirator Fit Testing
Changes that the Government of Canada made to the Canada Labour Code
Information: These changes to the asbestos-related occupational health and safety regulations change the asbestos requirements when working in Federal jurisdiction.
Abbreviated Summary of changes
Daily air sample collection near the containment, in the clean room and inside the containment (as necessary) are now required.
The minimum number of air samples ranges from two to five samples depending on the size of the work area.
The Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) for all forms of airborne asbestos fibre has been lowered.
Must not exceed 0.1 fibre per cubic centimetre (or f/cc).<em> Previous limit of 1 f/cc
Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM) = 1% by dry weight
As we know, majority of provincial regulations are more stringent (i.e., 0.1% in Québec or 0.5% in Ontario)
Regulation provides work classifications and descriptions (similar to existing provincial regulations)
When an ACM is disturbed and where there is the potential for a release of asbestos fibre, an Asbestos Exposure Management Program is required (including obligations for a hazard investigation to be carried out by a qualified person).